Folks on Spokes Folks on Spokes

Folks on Spokes
Gulf Shores, Alabama

January, 2016

First ride of the 2016 year! A few hearty FOS put on the layers of clothing and clicked off miles before picnicking at the ButterflyHouse.

First campfire of 2016 found FOS with warm clothing and hot coffee to keep them comfortable. Hey guys! It's not snowing so what's the big deal?

Twenty seven FOS arrived Jan. 5, ready to ride and get some much needed exercise. We headed to a new Greek Restaurant on Canal Blvd. for lunch. Great to see so many of our FOS friends arriving at GSP.

We rode through the Wharf complex on our way to lunch. Pretty obvious it was a chilly day....look at the clothing!

Thursday, Jan. 7, was another chilly day. Pretty obvious FOS don't let weather stop them. Riding on Rattlesnake Trail is a good path that leads to "ice cream"!

The Turtles picked up their pace today to brave a stiff north wind. We cooled off a bit more at the DQ!

A stop at our FOS bench is always a good photo stop.

Friday, Jan. 8, found a few FOS kayaking the Magnolia River. Joann is getting ready to launch.

Karen seems to think we need to start paddling to warm up a little.

Jim spotted numerous birds on the paddle. Seems the Pelicans are the favorite birds.

Jim, JoAnn, Karen and Carl are enjoying the beautiful scenery on the Magnolia River. Beth is also enjoying the paddle but taking time out for pictures.

Here's BETH doing what Beth likes to do, taking pictures on our wonderful kayak trip down the Magnolia River on in to Weeks Bay.

This is what BETH looks like without a camera in her face. We do enjoy your work, Beth. Thanks a bunch. Oh yes, she's a very efficient Kayaker, also.

Tuesday, January 12, found FOS getting ready to ride to West End Beach.

Although we had an unexpected head wind, we had a great ride.

January 12 campfire included chilly temperatures but it didn't keep Don and Sherry from having a good time!

Sue is ready for some Chili and other good food to keep her warm.

Carol and Scott need to move closer to the fire.

Time to relax after a long bike ride today.

Mary, Morrie and Warren are keeping warm!

Glen and Sue didn't bring Morley. They said he was in the dog house??!

Thursday, January 14, found FOS pulling in for lunch at The Diner in Gulf Shores.

It appears we have filled several tables waiting for some great "comfort food".

Linda and Bill are deciding whether they should squeeze into the already full tables or enjoy a table for two.

Although we had a really good lunch, we were ready to ride a few more miles before returning to GSP.

Sunny skies and warm temperatures on January 12 brought FOS to our gathering spot at the boat launch. Jim detailed plans for a ride to Canal Blvd. ending with an ice cream stop on the way back.

It's really hard to get FOS to stop for a picture when they want ice cream. There were a few grumbles but they managed to "smile for the camera"!

True to FOS style, we never stop riding just because the temperature is 37 degrees. January 19 was a "breakfast ride" at 8:30. We were laughing about the temperature as we watched the blizzard in the north country.

Hot coffee and a yummy breakfast at Bricks and Spoons in Orange Beach made us all think the ride was worth braving the chilly weather.

We even had one of our servers take a picture of the group. (Note: Beth is in this picture, Morrie!)

Tuesday, Jan. 26, FOS gathered at Fish River Grill for lunch before our late afternoon ride.

Rain was forecast this morning, but true FOS don't let a little moisture stop their fun.

Looks like they're ready to order!

Following our lunch we put on our riding gear and headed for Boggy Point Marina. It was a great day to watch the Dolphins.

Jan. 28 was a chilly ride. We're headed to Rita's of Alabama, Ice Custard Happiness for an ice cream treat.

Leader Jim gives us last minute instructions before we head out on the trails.

Looks like Linda, Steve and Carl will stay warm with the extra layers of clothing.

Dorothy and Karen seem ready for food at the FOS campfire Jan. 28.

Rusty is also ready for food and he's using his best begging technique to land a tasty morsel.

It was a Happy Birthday for Don...lots of food and three cakes to celebrate the occasion.

You don't suppose Darrold and Morrie will need a nap after dinner?

Jan. 30 was the perfect day to ride to Alabama Point and Wolfe Bay. Sunshine, warm temperatures and light breezes made for an outstanding ride.

Warren settled in for lunch at Wolfe Bay before anyone could join him.

Lunch is a welcome break before continuing the ride back to GSP.